Archive | November, 2017

B-Side from Upcoming Collection

22 Nov

A Serious Situation (Life is)


One could win baseball games

trophies, awards and championships.

One can even win the money game

but no one has ever beaten death.


It was a losing battle

one coming in the form of a

grizzly bear

shark attack

house fire

home invasion

cycling accident

plane crash

heart attack

broken neck from slipping in the bathtub,

a peanut allergy

a mugging

innocent bystander in a bank robbery

choking on his own vomit

suffocating from his own fart

and being eaten alive by house cats

or swallowing a whole octopus.


Seemed pointless to worry about it.

If he was going to fully embrace life

then he’d have to fully embrace dying inevitably.


Drinking fresh snow water

melted from the mountain

reinforced everything pleasant

he’d ever experienced in life:

the musical epiphanies

the road trips, birthdays and sporting events

all paled to the natural phenomena

he’d been lucky enough to witness.

He’d seen shooting stars that were so vivid

that their trails trailed off into the Milky Way’s band.



He could still hear the stream nearby rushing past their campsite.

Alone in his tent

his head on a makeshift pillow,

he fell asleep listening to the dying roar and crackle of the

wood in the campfire.

It was quite possible that his life

couldn’t get better than the one he was already living.



~Edward Austin Robertson





I See the Body Electric!!!

7 Nov

Deep breaths are taken,

feels me up with her current

with no need for touch.


~Edward Austin Robertson