Archive | September, 2018

The House on Tennesee Street

30 Sep

Nuclear Polio Vaccination

Too close to one of my worst years to be one of my best years

but it was certainly one of the liveliest,

most pivotal of my adulthood.

It was my reaction to a period of deep dissatisfaction.

My brother went off to fight in the war and

my professional mistakes bled into my personal life.

No longer certain of my purpose,

I reversed direction

and spent a year shirking responsibility–and delinquent payments—

taking a massive pay cut to sort things out

in a long overdue gap year.

I leaned into being in that small town.

Remaking Dangerfield’s “Back to School” in my head

and taking advice from Bill Lee and Bill Murray.

Back to square one.

I rediscovered my joy through play and paint:

kicking and shooting and passing and jumping and sweating,

smiling and laughing and dosing; popping and locking, ponging and bonging,

puffing and sipping, napping ,fapping…

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Blizzard pt. 2 (For Kilkenny’s)

30 Sep

The streets were all mine.

The only cars on the road were buried.

the crisp night spread out

into a white blanket of peace.


Breathing deeply,

walking alone

“On Guyot” playing in my earbuds

craving a mutual smile

a wink, a flirt, a hug,

a warm beverage

or even the mere threat of a kiss.

I had just the place in mind.


~Edward Austin Robertson

Geeking out on De La pt.2

1 Sep