Archive | August, 2020

Katie and the Mattress on the Floor

31 Aug

I. High afternoon passions

her skin complemented

the living room decor

of my studio apartment.

Sometimes tender.

Sometimes erotic.

But never too aggressive.


II. The lowest of frequencies

brought us back

late one night

for some herb

and some tunes

and a little bit of tongue.

My intentions were mild

at best, but things grew raucous

with one casual click of the mouse.


~Bob E. Freeman



30 Aug

She told me that perhaps

I should take a break from romance

and focus my energies on being an artist.

It took me a couple of missteps

before I finally took her advice.


~Bob E. Freeman

Some Hither, Others Yon

23 Aug

Available on Amazon and Barnes and in Kindle or paperback. Its pretty good I promise.



All Done

12 Aug