Archive | November, 2018

CD Warehouse

11 Nov

“You ever listen to Coltrane?”


“No.” replied sheepishly.

I’ve heard of him but never actually listened to him.

This was an embarrassing admission.

Being in college made it seem necessary

to be listening to jazz

and not the smooth stuff that my mom listened to

over the radio


This clerk, Brian, had similar tastes as I did.

Chances were that I’d dig whatever he recommended.


He handed me a copy of Greensleeves

to take back to the listening station.

As soon I as I put the headphones on and pressed play,

The world outside my brain synced up.


The rain fell in a rhythm and the passing automobiles

became its melody.

The people walking by cowering under their umbrellas

became percussion.

Life was finally starting to make sense.


~Edward Austin Robertson